CircleCi Continuous Deployment with Node.js, DynamoDB, AWS Elastic Beanstalk and CircleCI In this post, I'm taking a deep dive into setting up a continuous delivery pipeline using CircleCI.
typescript 5 Quirks of Converting a Node.js Express API to TypeScript TypeScript language and the tooling around it can help all sizeable javascript projects to become more maintainable.
NodeJS Creating an online quiz game using Node.js, Hyperdev, PlayStation Buzz controllers, Raspberry PI and Nfield I've been writing about hackathons and the planner application I've been busy with for a while now. The news is that Hackathon Planner [] is live and used during the last hackathon event on 25 August 2016 at NIPO Software [http://niposoftware.
Hackathon Hackathon Planner for { NIPO Software } I learn best by practicing. When I only read (i.e no practicing, no note taking), I almost completely forget what I learned after a month or two. I think most people are wired this way. Think about a book you read 6 months ago and see how much of